Category “Dental Studio”

Support for Smile Direct patients – Align with the experts Have you been caught out by Smile Direct Club going bust?

Are you mid-aligner treatment or awaiting your aligners and wondering what to do next?
Firstly, don’t panic! We can help. For support or advice on clear aligner treatment please don’t hesitate to reach out to us as your local dental practice with British Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry (BACD) members.

Our very own Dr Usha Ramjas, has extensive knowledge, experience and training in orthodontics and has an accredited ‘Apex’ status provider of Invisalign, placing her in the top 1% of Invisalign providers in Europe

Usha and her team are happy to provide a consultation to discuss where you go from here, clarify your clinical progress/tooth movement so far and answer any questions you may have.
It’s no surprise that clear aligners have grown in popularity in recent years.  “Invisible” removable aligners are perhaps the highest profile dental appliance, and with widespread advertising in magazines and television, promises of beautiful smiles are extremely alluring.
And aligners are great if you have minor crowding, gaps between teeth and mild-to-moderate bite concerns. They can straighten your smile without others noticing, so they’re a very discreet option.
Dentists who are members of the BACD are committed to ethical cosmetic dentistry and can offer you the latest treatment solutions including various orthodontic solutions, such as clear aligners.
So, if you’re in a quandary right now and unsure what to do, know that we are here to help and advise. Please don’t feel despondent! As your local BACD dentist, we have the skills and expertise to provide you with the right solution. We’ll soon have you smiling again. Get in touch today.

“Support and Care After Smile Direct Club’s Administration: Dental Studio is Here for You”

In light of Smile Direct Club’s recent administration, we understand the frustration, anxiety and disappointment felt by over 65,000 individuals left mid-treatment. At Dental Studio, we want you to know that you’re not alone during this uncertain time.

Our commitment to providing exceptional care extends beyond our regular services. We are here to support and assist those affected by offering a helping hand during this transition.

Your Smile Matters to Us: Our team values your dental health and understands the importance of continuity in your treatment. That’s why we’re offering a FREE consultation with our treatment coordinator. This session aims to address your concerns, discuss your ongoing treatment needs, and explore viable solutions tailored to you.

High-Quality Care You Deserve: At Dental Studio, we prioritise quality care above all. Rest assured, our experienced team is dedicated to ensuring that you receive the level of care and attention your smile deserves.

Expert Care: You could not be in safer hands with Dr Usha Ramjas who as an Elite Apex Invisalign Provider has achieved the fantastic status of being in the top 1% Invisalign providers in Europe!  Meaning that you can be assured that your treatment can be managed safely with her expertise. Our team of dental professionals are also here to support with your ongoing aftercare which is also important to retain your beautiful smile.

How We Can Help: Reach out to us to book your complimentary consultation. Our treatment coordinator will guide you through the process, listen to your concerns, and provide comprehensive support to resume and complete your treatment journey.

During these uncertain times, it’s crucial to have a team you can trust. We are here to support you, answer your questions, and provide the care you deserve.

Don’t hesitate to take the first step toward completing your smile transformation. Contact us today to schedule your consultation and let us be a part of your smile journey.

Warmest regards

Dr Usha Ramjas and The Dental Studio Team

Smile Confidently: Discover the Power of Invisalign at Dental Studio!🌟

Are you dreaming of a perfect smile but hesitant about wearing traditional braces? Well, you’re in for a treat! Welcome to Dental Studio, where we believe that a beautiful smile can transform lives. Today, we want to introduce you to a revolutionary orthodontic treatment that has been changing the game for our patients – Invisalign!

Meet Dr. Usha Ramjas, our esteemed Apex Elite provider in Invisalign. With well recognised, years of experience and expertise, Dr. Ramjas has helped numerous patients achieve their dream smiles, and she’s here to guide you through the journey as well.

What Sets Invisalign Apart?

When it comes to straightening your teeth, Invisalign stands out among the crowd. But what makes it the top choice for millions of patients worldwide? Let’s dive into the key reasons why you should choose Invisalign over other brands:

1. Virtually Invisible:

As the name suggests, Invisalign aligners are virtually invisible. Say goodbye to metal brackets and wires! The aligners are made from transparent, medical-grade plastic, making them discreet and hardly noticeable.

2. Comfortable Fit:

Invisalign aligners are custom-made to fit your teeth perfectly. They are smooth and comfortable, so you won’t experience the irritation often associated with traditional braces.

3. Removable Convenience:

Unlike traditional braces, Invisalign aligners are removable. You can take them out when eating, brushing, or flossing, allowing you to maintain better oral hygiene throughout your treatment journey.

4. No Food Restrictions:

Enjoy all your favourite foods without worry! With Invisalign, you won’t have to give up crunchy or sticky treats since you can simply remove the aligners while eating.

5. Shorter Treatment Time:

Invisalign treatment time is often shorter compared to traditional braces. While individual cases may vary, the advanced technology and personalised treatment plans used with Invisalign can lead to quicker results.

6. Digital Precision:

At Dental Studio, we use cutting-edge technology to create precise 3D digital images of your teeth. This allows Dr. Ramjas to plan your treatment with accuracy and predictability.

7. Confidence Boost:

Having a confident smile can impact your self-esteem and overall well-being. With Invisalign, you can straighten your teeth discreetly, allowing you to smile confidently throughout your treatment.

🌟Your Invisalign Journey at Dental Studio🌟

When you choose Dental Studio for your Invisalign journey, you’re not just choosing a dental practice; you’re choosing a supportive and caring team dedicated to your oral health and happiness.

Here’s what you can expect during your Invisalign treatment with us:

1. Comprehensive Consultation:

Dr. Usha Ramjas will conduct a thorough examination of your teeth and discuss your smile goals. Together, we’ll create a personalised treatment plan that aligns with your unique needs.

2. 3D Treatment Preview:

With our advanced technology, you’ll get a sneak peek of your future smile! We’ll show you the predicted outcome of your Invisalign treatment, so you know what to expect.

3. Custom Aligners:

Your aligners will be custom-made for you, ensuring a comfortable fit and effective teeth movement throughout the process.

4. Regular Check-ins:

We’ll schedule periodic check-ins to monitor your progress and make any necessary adjustments to keep your treatment on track.

5. Post-Treatment Care:

Once your Invisalign treatment is complete, we’ll provide you with guidance on how to maintain your beautiful new smile.

Don’t wait any longer to achieve the smile of your dreams! Book a consultation with Dr. Usha Ramjas at Dental Studio today and discover the incredible benefits of Invisalign. Let’s embark on this transformative journey together!

Composite Bonding: Your Path to a Dazzling Smile at Dental Studio!

Your smile is a powerful asset, capable of making a lasting impression on those around you. At Dental Studio, we understand the significance of a confident smile, and that’s why we’re thrilled to offer a range of aesthetic treatments tailored to your unique needs. One such transformative solution is composite bonding, and our highly skilled dentist, Dr. Neresh Behari, is here to work wonders on your smile! 😁✨

What is Composite Bonding?

Composite bonding is a cosmetic dental procedure that involves the application of a tooth-coloured resin material to repair, restore, or enhance the appearance of your teeth. It is a versatile and minimally invasive treatment that addresses various dental imperfections, including:

Chips and Cracks: Whether it’s a small chip or a noticeable crack, composite bonding can beautifully restore your tooth’s shape and integrity.

Gaps and Spaces: Say goodbye to unwanted gaps and spaces between your teeth. Composite bonding can close those spaces and give you a harmonious smile.

Discoloration: Stubborn stains and discoloration can be effectively masked with composite bonding, leaving you with a bright, dazzling smile.

Uneven Teeth: If your teeth are uneven in size or shape, composite bonding can create a more balanced and symmetrical appearance.

The Magic of Dr. Neresh Behari’s Artistry

Dr. Neresh Behari, our esteemed dentist at Dental Studio, possesses a keen eye for detail and a passion for delivering smiles that exude confidence and radiance. With his expertise in composite bonding, Dr. Behari has helped numerous patients achieve smile transformations that they once only dreamed of. 😊💫

The process begins with a thorough consultation where Dr. Behari will listen attentively to your smile goals and concerns. During treatment he will then skilfully apply the tooth-coloured composite material to the targeted areas, shaping it to perfection. The result? A naturally beautiful smile that seamlessly blends with your existing teeth! 🌟💎

Why Choose Composite Bonding?

Composite bonding is an excellent option for those seeking quick and effective smile enhancements without the need for invasive procedures. Some of the key benefits include:

✨ Non-Invasive: Unlike veneers or crowns, composite bonding requires minimal alteration of your natural teeth.

✨ Fast Results: In just one visit, you can experience a smile makeover that will leave you amazed.

✨ Cost-Effective: Composite bonding is a budget-friendly option compared to some other cosmetic treatments.

Are you ready to unlock the full potential of your smile? Book a consultation with Dr. Neresh Behari at Dental Studio and discover how composite bonding can revitalise your smile and boost your confidence! 💖🌟

Start your journey with us today, our team are waiting for your call.

Meet Dr Neresh Behari

Introducing: Dr Neresh Behari BDS University of Witwatersrand 1998 GDC: 75274

Dr Neresh Behari is one of the practice owners of Dental Studio. Graduating in 1998 in South Africa before moving to the UK.

Neresh’s true passion lies in the art of changing people’s smiles which in turn changes their lives. What gives him the most satisfaction is the role he plays in creating beautiful, life changing smiles.

Neresh says that a great smile can be vital to a person’s self-esteem.  Nervous patients also allow him to express the kind and caring side of his nature to give them the confidence to change their perceptions of dentists and our profession.

Neresh has built up a great patient base with his loyal patients travelling from far and wide to seek his expertise and professional care. Neresh regularly attends many courses as he prides himself on being able to give his patients the very best and ensure he is using the latest techniques to enhance his expertise.

Neresh believes in using a holistic approach, working with his professional colleagues in the best interest of his patients. His passion for dentistry drives him to find a predictable, long-lasting solution for his patients that gives them the very best aesthetic appearance and functionality at the same time.

When Neresh is not pursuing his passion for dentistry, He enjoys spending time with his children [Adults now who are pursuing their own careers – How time flies!]  and the family.  Neresh enjoys travelling the world and exploring different cultures, sampling their culinary dishes, and experiencing various red wines. Also having a love for the sea including water sports such as scuba diving and swimming.

Please give our lovely reception team a call to book an appointment with Dr Behari or find out more on how we can enhance your smile.