Posts tagged “dental studio”

Making us smile

At Dental Studio, we always give our patients a courtesy call the following day after they have had treatment with us to make sure all is ok for them. The feedback from our lovely patient Aiden today was so lovely we just had to share:

“ My appointment was brilliant, Emmanouil is such an incredible guy, I used to be so nervous about the dentist and Emmanouil has changed this, so I am not nervous anymore, I couldn’t thank him enough. The reception team are also amazing as is and everyone there.”

Feedback like this is truly what makes us, as a team tick, it is so very much appreciated and makes us all so proud knowing the impact we can all have with our patients, whether it is an amazing smile transformation or simply encouraging and supporting our patients to attend for regular dental visits, particularly if they are nervous like Aiden.

Aiden, thank you for making our day!

Warmest regards to you all as always,

Barbara and the Dental Studio Team

Amanda and the Invisalign Buzz!

You may have already had the pleasure of meeting and talking to our lovely receptionist Amanda at our Waterlooville practice, you cannot miss her, she certainly brings added sparkle to our team and patients’ day.

Amanda has recently started her own Invisalign journey with us, provided by our amazing, Dr Usha Ramjas and we thought it would be great to share this with you all so you can hear first-hand how easily Invisalign fits into her life, and it is only the first week.

Even though Amanda has a very good understanding of Invisalign she was still a little apprehensive on embarking on this treatment, wondering if it would be uncomfortable, would it affect her speech and as she is front of house, would patients notice.

Despite Amanda’s apprehension she was also incredibly excited and believe me, we all knew this, team, patients, and visitors. I have called it the Invisalign Buzz! Patients have also been asking Amanda for her first-hand experience which has supported them throughout their own journey which is what we are all about.

As some of you may know the journey may be slightly different for each individual but for Amanda, her treatment will last approx. 32 weeks, such a short time to achieve a new smile.

After getting her first set of clear aligners fitted, they did feel a little odd and Amanda felt her speech was different, which is to be expected but she was amazed after her first day that it felt so normal and comfortable. Her speech also has gone back to normal already! After visiting her sister on her first weekend with her aligners, her sister did not even notice until Amanda had to point them out!

We will keep you all posted on her journey and do not hesitate to contact us should you wish to know more about Invisalign or any other dental treatment, we are always here for you at every step.

Have a great day all!

Warmest regards









Sarahs’ Invisalign Journey – Part 1

I have been a dental nurse for 30 years and worked for Dental Studio for 2 ½  years.

Seeing the amazing patient journeys our patients go through when having their Invisalign treatment with our fabulous Dr Usha Ramjas inspired me to undertake my own journey which I want to share with you all so you can hear first hand how it feels and see the changes that will be made along the way….

My front teeth are tilted back so whenever I saw photo’s of myself , to me my front teeth always looked dark due to the way the light hit them in the photo. I hated photos and would try not to show my teeth when smiling. This really knocked my confidence. So, a few years ago I went to see an specialist orthodontist.  When I heard that I would need to have my jaw broken and wired for a long period of time, I just could not face that sort of treatment, even with my experience as a nurse. So I left it and considered veneers, however since working with Dental Studio and being part of so many patients Invisalign journey with Usha I could see their start and end results. Whilst I was so happy to see their end results, I was also envious of our patients when they finished treatment as their teeth and smiles were fantastic. So I took the plunge……

I started my own journey with Invisalign in June, I have to say I am already quite a way through. The process to straighten my teeth should take approx. only 4-5 months, although in some cases this can be as quick as 3 months.

I can already see such a difference so I am sharing this with you all!

The invisible brace are comfortable to wear, I did have to get used to the feeling at the start but this only took a couple of days. I wear the aligners for 22 hours a day but no one has even noticed, not even my family!

Honestly,  I am so excited to see my end results so I can share this with you all. If you would like to talk to me personally or indeed any of my colleagues,  for any further information, we are always here and will be more than happy to meet with you for a complementary consultation! Just give us a call.

With best regards


Sarah (Dental Nurse) 

My journey starts!

Wearing my clear Invisalign aligner!